Learn More ON Samsung UN55C8000
Samsung UN55C8000 3D LED TV
See vivid new dimensions in picture depth and action that leaps off the TV screen. The Samsung 3D experience* is: • Watching 3D movies and shows on a Samsung 3D TV with stylish and comfortable 3D Active glasses. • Connecting a Samsung 3D Blu-ray Disc Player immerses you in the latest Hollywood 3D hits. • Converting 2D movies, sports and shows to 3D. Samsung UN55C8000 3D Active glasses are the gateway to Samsung 3D entertainment. Click here to learn more.* 3D viewing experience depends on source of 3D content. Samsung 3D TVs are compatible with the Blu-ray Disc Association standard and both broadcast standards. |
How Samsung UN55C8000 3D Works Our eyes are spaced apart from each other, which means our left and right retinas see objects at slightly different angles. In real life, the brain merges these two images into a single three-dimensional image. To recreate this experience of depth on television, a 3D TV will display two separate but overlapping images of the same scene simultaneously, and at slightly different angles as well. One image is intended for the left eye, the other for the right. A pair of Active Glasses helps viewers perceive the two 2D images as one 3D image. |
Samsung UN55C8000 3D Style
See all the jaw-dropping 3D action through Samsung's sleek Active Glasses (sold separately). These glasses use a shutter technique to quickly block the left eye, and then the right, in sync with the TV which itself is alternating left and right images rapidly. This is fast enough that the brain perceives no gaps. The glasses help the mind merge the two images into one, creating a 3D effect and offering a deep, immersive experience. Samsung offers two forms of 3D glasses - battery operated and rechargable - that will fit comfortably over perscription glasses.
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